Hogsmeade Village: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Book Sculpture

This one of a kind Harry Potter inspired sculpture truly brings magic to life! Made out of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it's one of the most time consuming Storybook Sculptures made to date. Eight shops line the wintery lane, and each is fully built out inside as well (you can see the list below with what is inside each!). Sirius Black, in his dog form of course, trots away from the village, while McGonagall and Hagrid shop alone the lane. The Hogwarts Express is ready to take students home for their holiday break, puffing just outside the Three Broomsticks. Two separate strands of lights light the village, both with replaceable batteries that are housed in the spine of the book.

I love this sculpture so much - I have wanted to make it for over three years, and this year was finally the time. I can't wait for it to go to someone that loves Harry Potter as much as I do and will appreciate bringing this incredible story to life. Please check out my video on instagram to really see all the details!

The Three Broomsticks: bar, barstool, table and chairs
Honeydukes: Droobles Best Blowing Gum display, sugar quills, sherbert balls
Post Office: Owls ready to carry your packages and letters to loved ones
The Hog's Head: bar, two shelves of liquor bottles, and barstools
Madam Puddifoot's: lace-trimmed tables for two
Zonko's Joke Shop: window displays of dungbombs and wrapped up decoy detonators
Gladrag's wizardwear: Robes on hangers
Scrivenshafts: Parchment and quills